Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Winter Fun - Card

כרטיס לימים החורפיים. חותמת של לה לה לנד, מארסי מחליקה על הקרח.

Skin - E000 E00 E01 E02 E11 R30
Hair - E33 E31 E30
Outfit - B000 B12 B14 B23 B24
              E70 E71

something new - Deep Ocean

Thanks For Stopping By


Heather said...

Oh, my goodness!! This is so adorable!! I love your layout and how you've fussy cut the images. And I absolutely LOVE the jewels you added to the top; that square one is fabulous!! Thanks for playing with LTSCB.

Eulalia said...

Pretty... cute... adorable... beautiful... amazing... ok, I like this card! ;-)
Thank you to share with us on TSM challenge... and come back soon!
xoxoxo Eulalia